Starting a podcast can be exciting to build awareness and convey your brand story to a wide audience. Depending on your objectives, you may begin a podcast as an extra gig, or for your company or to increase your brand visibility. In this article, we’ll go through how to start a podcast, including what you should and shouldn’t do.


Step 1: Define Your Niche or Topic

The first step in starting a podcast is to find your voice and define your specialty or topic. What will your podcast be on? Narrowing down an issue or expertise may appear to fall apart when limiting at first, but it will help you focus your content and build a following in the long term. Here are some ways to do it:

Research Existing Podcasts

Before you start recording your first episode, do some research to discover if any existing podcasts are similar.

You may find that your chosen topic has very few listeners or that your niche is already saturated. Even if it’s the latter, conducting research can assist you in determining how to position your podcast in a way that distinguishes you.

Define Your Audience

Once you’ve got a clear picture of your niche, think about your target audience. Try to learn as much as you can about your ideal listener, such as:

      • How old are they?
      • What do they do for a living?
      • What types of media do they currently consume?
      • Do they already listen to podcasts?
      • In their spare time, what do they do?
      • What are the most common issues they face?
      • What would they like to know more about?
      • Who are you creating this podcast for? 
      • What are their interests, problems, and needs? 

    Step 2: Build Your Brand Story and Online Presence

    Now that you know what your podcast is all about, it’s time to build your brand story and online presence.

    Select The Podcast Platform and Set Up Your Account

    First and foremost, select a podcast hosting platform. We suggest popular services such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon. These platforms will assist you in reaching a large audience with your podcast. Once you’ve decided on a forum, establish an account and follow their uploading rules.

    Create Social Media Profiles

    Next, hop onto the social media bandwagon. Create profiles on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok (if it suits your content). Use these platforms to share updates, engage with your audience, and promote your podcast. Building a solid online presence will help you connect with potential listeners.


    Step 3: Collaborate with a Video Production House for Equipment and Editing

    Now, let’s delve into the details of creating a podcast with the support of a video production house, which can streamline the process.

    Sourcing Equipment

    When partnering with a video production house, they will already have top-quality recording equipment, including microphones and headphones, ensuring professional audio quality. They possess the necessary tools and expertise to handle the technical aspects. No need to worry about pop filters or microphone stands; they’ve got you covered.

    Editing Software

    Video production houses often employ professional-grade editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro, ensuring your podcast receives the best post-production treatment. They’ll handle the nuances of audio editing, cleanup, and music integration, and provide you with a polished, high-quality result.


    Step 4: Collaborative Recording and Editing

    This is where the magic unfolds as you collaborate with the video production house for recording and editing.


    In a dedicated studio or controlled environment, the video production house will set up the recording equipment, ensuring a quiet space and minimal background noise. You can confidently present your content while their experts handle the technical aspects.


    The production house’s team will take care of the entire editing process, eliminating awkward pauses, stutters, and mistakes. They’ll seamlessly integrate intro and outro music, ensuring a professional finish. Audio tuning will be part of their standard procedure, guaranteeing consistent volume throughout the podcast.

    For established brands or those prioritizing high-quality output, partnering with a video production house offers a seamless podcast creation process, resulting in a top-notch podcast that resonates with a broader audience.


    Step 5: Promote Your Podcast

    Yay, you’ve created your first podcast episode! But don’t stop there – now it’s time to promote it and build your audience.

    Leverage Social Media

    Remember those social media profiles you set up earlier? Use them to share teaser clips, behind-the-scenes content, and engaging visuals related to your podcast. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.

    Collaborate with Others

    Collaboration can be a game-changer. Reach out to other podcasters or influencers in your niche and propose collaboration episodes. This can help you tap into their audience and gain exposure.

    Ask for Reviews and Ratings

    Encourage your listeners to leave reviews and ratings on podcast platforms. Positive reviews can boost your podcast’s visibility and credibility.

    Consistency Is Key

    Lastly, keep a consistent schedule. Whether you release episodes weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, stick to it. Consistency helps build trust with your audience.

    That’s it – a crash lesson in crafting a killer podcast. Remember that podcasting is a process, not a destination. You will learn and grow as you progress. So, establish your expertise, develop your brand, hire a production house, and spread the word. Your podcasting journey is just getting started, and we can’t wait to hear what you have to say! Enjoy your podcasting!